This is archived content from the 2016 TeamTrak Pilot
Tyler Nothstein
- Rider Number #47
- Speciality Enduro
- Age 20
- Home Town Orefield, PA
- Country USA
- Height: 6’ 1’’
- Weight: 155 lbs
- Years Racing: 7
- Education: Lees-McRae College
- Career Highlights:
- 2015 PA U23 Road BAR champion
- Finished 4th in the 2013 Collegiate Nationals points race
- 2013 Junior Track National Champion in team sprint
- Assessment:
- Young talent with high potential in endurance races or sprints
- Scrappy and hard working
- Opportunistic and not afraid to take risks for his team

Tyler Nothstein is a true product of T-Town and gets his cycling pedigree from his father Marty, who was Olympic Sprint Champion at the Sydney Games. Although “Bones” is one of the WCL’s youngest competitors, he showed emerging talent at T-Town this past summer and, by the end of the season, had joined the ranks of the most elite up and coming track racing prospects in the country. From the WCL Premiere, he will stick with the PA Lightning for a busy summer racing at T-Town and on the Eastern criterium and road circuit. Watch for surprises from this lad!
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