This is archived content from the 2016 TeamTrak Pilot
Nikos Hessert
- Rider Number #75
- Speciality Enduro
- Age 18
- Home Town Evanston, WY
- Country USA
- Height: 6’ 2’’
- Weight: 175 lbs
- Years Racing: 5
- Education: Colorado State University
- Career Highlights:
- Assessment:

Nikos Hessert is an alternative for the WCL contest, and has raced in Kazakhstan, Korea, and Canada. Nikos is also a part of team xXx Racing Athletico out of Chicago. Hessert is currently attending Colorado State University. The rider loves to play the tuba, soccer, lacrosse, football, and baseball. Nikos would make for a great substitute at the event, and brings her youth and determination to the event.
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