This is archived content from the 2016 TeamTrak Pilot
Ignacio Sarabia
- Rider Number #65
- Speciality Enduro
- Age 32
- Home Town Guadalajara, Mexico
- Country MEX
- Height: 6'
- Weight: 165 lbs
- Years Racing: 15
- Education:
- Career Highlights:
- 2x Mexican National Road Champion (2009 & 2014)
- Silver Medalist in the Pan American Road and Time Trial Championships (2013)
- 3x Stage Wins in the Tour of Mexico
- Assessment:
- Strong, powerful, and experienced rider who brings world class talent to the field
- Experienced and smart in the pack, always using energy wisely
- Excellent at positioning and working well in the pack with teammates

Ignacio Sarabia is one of the top and most experienced athletes in the World Cycling League who has ridden professionally for 7 years on the road, including with the World Tour team Movistar for two seasons in the thick of the top European peloton. Ignacio is a two time National Mexican Road Champion, and multi-time Pan American Championship Medalist in both road and time trial. His incredible strength and experience will be tough competition for the Americans in the WCL endurance events.
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