This is archived content from the 2016 TeamTrak Pilot
Ignacio Prado
- Rider Number #67
- Speciality Enduro
- Age 22
- Home Town Guadalajara, Mexico
- Country MEX
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 150 lbs
- Years Racing: 10
- Education:
- Career Highlights:
- 2015 U23 Pan American Time Trial Champion
- 2015 Mexican Elite National Road Champion
- 2015 Mexican U23 National Road Champion
- Assessment:
- Excellent endurance, strength, and speed that carries over well from road racing
- Powerful in breakaways with some of the best time trial ability in the field
- Young, aggressive, and competitive against tough competition

Young, tough, and talented Ignacio Prado is the current Mexican Road Champion who brings toughness and endurance to the sizzling Mexico Heat. His road ability translates well to the track and he looks to succeed in the WCL endurance competitions where he will keep a keen eye on breakaway opportunities and chances to go alone off the front with incredible talent against the clock.
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